ACNS 2012 Terminology

background EEG > continuity > burst attenuation / burst suppression

burst attenuation / burst suppression more than 50% of the record consisting of attenuation or suppression, as defined above, with bursts alternating with attenuation or suppression; specify the following:
  • a. Typical duration of bursts and interburst intervals;
  • b. Sharpest component of a typical burst using the sharpness categories defined above under modifiers;
  • c. Presence or absence of Highly Epileptiform Bursts: Present if multiple epileptiform discharges (traditional definition) are seen within the majority (>50%) of bursts and occur at an average of 1/s or faster; record typical frequency (using categories above) and location (G, L, BI or Mf). Also present if a rhythmic, potentially ictal-appearing pattern occurs at 1/s or faster within the majority (>50%) of bursts; record frequency and location as well.

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